
Game Interfaces | Marketing | Concept Products


Designed a variety of items for game user interface and marketing initiatives. Collaborated with developers to create a customer moderated QA site.

Software - Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects

Role - UI Designer | Visual Designer

Client - Red5Studios


Mercurium was a concept for a VIP program for massive gamers. The idea was players would receive a specially packaged VIP card that they would be able to use for a variety of things in and out of the game, such as taking it to conventions and receiving exclusive game swag. I designed the concept card and worked with the 3D artist on the packaging.


Created a variety of concepts for in-game concepts, such as coins, badges, dialog prompts and other.


Designed a 3D logo used as an outro in various video productions. Worked with video editors to storyboard and provide assets.