Live Chat for Sales and Support

Senior Product Designer

  • Project 1
  • Project 2
  • Project 3
  • Fun



At the beginning of 2019, my team's objective was to explore new product space to potentially build something innovative to increase our market share among small-to-medium businesses. The main goal was to identify and understand a problem we wanted to solve and the segment to target. My team and I developed Snorkel, a friendly tool to save you time by listening and quickly breaking down your data into simple insights to make smart, informed decisions. We worked on developing this concept for over a year, from ideation, validating concepts, product testing, and business planning. The process outlined below.

Software - Respondent.io, Mural.co, Miro.com Sketch, Invision, Axure, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects

Responsibilities - Design sprint brief, interview script, remote testing, testing summary documentation, flow charts, wireframes, visual design, prototype

Ideation, Research, and Validation

Whitelabel - Non-branded Chatbox

I went through various research documentation, product strategy documents, and customer service pain points. As a team, we generated ideas and considered the reach, impact, confidence, effort, and risks. We wanted products we thought were high-value and repeatable. We made a plan. First up was “Non-branded Chatbox. Keep your visitors focused on your product and brand by removing the Powered By Olark link from your chatbox. Low effort, High reach and low charge would make an impact on our MRR if enough people opted in Referrals from thechatbox are pretty low,so we can afford to have some people remove it. Integration didn’t work. The Powerup store was born. I created flows for the Powerup store and the first Powerup “Non-branded Chatbox” to be released. We worked together through sketching and whiteboarding to define system functionality and scope.

Get data as we go

New Powerups were placed in the store and labeled coming soon with a “notify me” call to action to measure early engagement.


Get data as we go

New Powerups were placed in the store and labeled coming soon with a “notify me” call to action to measure early engagement.


Visitor Insights

We worked together through sketching and whiteboarding to define system functionality and scope. Existing Olark customers see enough value in additional visitor context that they would be willing to purchase it as a powerup. Our customers will pay more to increase chat efficiency and increase the chances of making a sale. Providing more information about the individual helps agents meet visitor needs.


What do the customers think?

10 of 10

Information would be useful in transcripts. I thought it would be able after the chat. I want to add in my own information.

2 of 10

Not likely to purchase

10 of 10

Information was presented clearly and easy to understand. Information presented met expectations


Customers want to have a richer chatting experience and are willing to pay for screen sharing capabilities if they believe it will help them to solve problems faster, chat more effectively, and make more sales.



Google translate and similar tools are cumbersome to use in a live chat conversation. Olark customers will pay for a better experience to handle multilingual visitors more efficiently. At least 50% of paying Olark sites have at least some chat traffic in languages other than their agents’ native language - 5% of sites with multilingual traffic have enough such traffic, and see enough sales potential from multilingual visitors, to purchase a translation PowerUp

  • Automatically detects your visitor’s language
  • Translates agent and visitor chats in real time
  • Provides chat-by-chat control of language and translation settings
  • Supports translation to and from more than 100 languages


Throughout the staggered releases of Powerups, I conducted many usability studies to iterate on the user interface and experience. We continued to test additional ideas utilizing coming soon pages, which proved to be effective. Also, we continued displaying the feedback form for certain Powerups in production to continue receiving customer incite.

In June 2018, the total MRR was $6,092 and continued to increase over time.

Presently, Powerups are over $13k MRR and had an increase of about 1.5K MRR at the end of 2019 and continue to grow.
